Hotline against animal cruelty

Call the animal cruelty hotline

The animal cruelty hotline is there to help animals that are abused, injured, neglected or in danger of death. It acts on the basis of your report. You can contact the relevant authorities or us directly:


Per Post:
Line against cruelty
Pod Brehmi 1/a
SK – 841 03 Bratislava IV – Polianky

Per Telephone: 0917 662 030
MON – FRI: 10:00 – 12:00 and 15:00 – 17:00
SAT: 10:00 – 12:00.

About the line

The line is based in Bratislava, but thanks to the network of inspectors, it solves cases all over Slovakia.

Inspectors are our volunteers who perform their work in their free time. In most cases, our inspector will travel to the place of reported abuse.

If the owner of the animal does not cooperate or the case cannot be resolved within the capabilities of the Line, the chief inspector will submit a complaint to the relevant Regional Veterinary and Food Administration (RVPS). State veterinary inspectors are investigating the case further with our (and your) help.

They can impose a fine of between EUR 0 and EUR 1,000 on a natural person; in case of repeated violation, they can impose a breeding ban for a maximum of 2 years. A fine in the amount of EUR 400 – EUR 20,000 can be imposed on a legal or natural person – an entrepreneur; in case of repeated violation, a breeding ban may be imposed for a maximum of 2 years.

Reporting the case

If you report a case of abuse to the inspector of Freedom of Animals or directly called authorities:

1. Describe exactly the situation and circumstances under which the animal abuse occurs. If you have the opportunity (it is not a necessity), document its condition in more detail. This means photographing or videotaping his injuries, visible neglect, the conditions he lives in, general/detailed view, etc.

2. Enter the name and address of the offender – either the owner of the animal or the person concerned

3. State exactly when and where the abuse occurred or is occurring

4. To the best of your ability, describe whether the animal shows signs of physical or psychological abuse, for example injuries, signs of malnutrition, behavioral disorders. 

Caution! The very promotion of abuse, animal-against-another anger, abandoning it with the intention of getting rid of it, and. i. Read the text of the veterinary law.

5. Provide your contact information – if you request it, your personal data must remain confidential.

6. If you decide to act yourself and contact the directly called authorities, please send us a copy of your initiative to the email For the benefit of animals, it is important for us to have an overview of the number and nature of cases of abuse.

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer animal rescuer, let us know about yourself. Email us at

Please read before contacting us

Have you found a lost or abandoned animal?

Call the nearest shelter, the city police or the Local Authority. The municipality and the police are obliged to ensure the capture of the animal and its placement in a quarantine/shelter. If the mayor of the village, MP or local authority does not want to help or you are not satisfied with their solution, contact us.

Have you found kittens without a mother or an adult cat that is injured and needs your/our help?

We can accept her, provide her with veterinary treatment and care within the shelter Bratislava – Polianky (general contacts). Due to the limited capacity of our outbound vehicles, it is necessary to bring animals from other regions (except Bratislava) to the shelter. Abandoned/lost cats also need your/our help, these are mostly domesticated animals that are not adapted to life outside.

What do you need to know about street cats?

Please read carefully the important information about the problem of street cats .

Is the neighbor’s dog bothering you?

If your neighbor’s dog is constantly barking in your house, it may not always be abuse. The dog is usually not used to being alone at home and is sad. Ask your neighbor to train your dog, in short, to try to get him used to being home alone. If the case cannot be resolved, file a complaint with the local authority – it is competent to deal with the disturbance of peaceful living.
If you suspect that the dog lives in unsatisfactory conditions, contact competent authorities or Link against cruelty.

Extremely important!

Ste svedkom usmrtenia zvieraťa streľbou (poľovníci, polícia, šarhovská služba, SBS, občan s legálne aj nelegálne držanou zbraňou)?

Don’t hesitate to call the police at the scene and ask for the case to be documented (even if killed by the police). An animal can only be euthanized by a veterinarian, with the exception of attacks and threats to humans.

Take the body of the dead animal to the veterinarian, who will issue you a certificate of the cause of death and the method of killing (the projectile can help convict the perpetrator based on unmistakable traces – something like a fingerprint). As always, photo documentation is very appropriate. This procedure is also important when killing an animal.

Please report each such case to the email, we will try to advise you on how to solve it and ensure punishment against the perpetrator. If the perpetrator is unknown, file a criminal complaint against the unknown perpetrator.